Head of Mechatronics and Information Technology Research Unit at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia, and a Research Advisor at IDRIDr. Dona VALY received his PhD in Engineering Science and Technology from Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. At IDT, he is an invited lecturer on Machine Learning. He is c...
Phutphalla KONG
Lecturer and Researcher in Artificial Intelligent and the AI Research Coordinator of the Institute of Digital Research and Innovation (IDRI) in the Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT).Dr. Phutphalla KONG earned his PhD in Computer Engineering from University of Mons, Belgium. Currently, he is a Lecturer and Researcher in Artificial Intelligent and the AI Researc...
Samboeun HEAN
Vice President of the Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT)Mr. Samboeun HEAN earned his Master of Science in Computer Science with a Specialization in Artificial Intelligence from Taganrog Institute of Technology, Southern Federal Universi...
Sethserey SAM
Director General of Institute of Digital Research and Innovation (IDRI)Dr. Sethserey SAM earned his PhD in computer science from Grenoble University in France. Currently, he is a lecturer in Automata Theory and the Director General of Institute of Dig...