Blog Students

The achievement, Perspective, Effort, Dream and more activities of student at CADT aim to provide the best solution and bring good memories to all the audience of our website as much as we can. Follow our blog to get new knowledge from our students.

The Unique of CADT

The Unique of CADT

Why do you need to study at CADT?  Unique is a point that is different from others!            When you finish school you might be looking for a good university to continue your studies, it is a difficult time for students to...

Study Journey at CADT

Study Journey at CADT

1. Start        After I finished the exam of grade 12, I got a scholarship from the exam of NIPTICT that scholarships provide 4 years of studying for free in payment for studying. When I started in NIPTICT I chose to major in...

Find yourself

Find yourself

The way to know yourself clearly              When you were a child, you might not be used to thinking about your life a lot because you are just a baby or kid who is looked after by your parents and family. They always...