About Career Center
The Career Center of IDT-CADT is a dedicated office within the CADT that provides a wide range of support, assistance, and guidance to help students and alumni in their internship, career development and job search. In addition, the center provides also career counseling and psychosocial support for students and faculty through in-house and reference to outside services.
The center has built its network and collaboration with many hundred institutions including public, private, IOs, civil society and Start-up organizations.
Specifically, the Career Center provides:
- Industrial linkage
- Internship programs
- Career counseling
- English support
- Soft skills development
- Psychosocial support
- Expert guest speakers
Internship Opportunity
If you need intern, please fill in this form below or send to Career Center via email: career.center@cadt.edu.kh
Career Counselling
If you need any assistance to prepare cover letter and curriculum vitae you can consult with Career Center staff by making prior appointment.
English Support
Career Center provide mentoring and coaching to student to improve English preparation for IELTS test.

Job, Scholarship and other Opportunities
If you have any opportunities for our students, please kindly send them to the Career Center via email: career.center@cadt.edu.kh